It’s been a while since we’ve shared much of anything through the blog/website, and we thought it was about time.
If you’ve been to the shop recently, you may have been subject to me talking about the process and our ingredients some more. We’ve made a few changes since September, and thought you might like hearing about them!
First – our bagels now qualify as organic! We’ve switched over our flour from Rogers Tillicum to their Canadian Organic White. As a result, greater than 95% of the ingredients in our bagels are organic.
To whit: We use organic and free range eggs from Rieger Farms in Armstrong, cold-pressed organic and GMO-free Canola oil from Highwood Crossing in Alberta, and Organic flour from Rogers (also here in BC).

Beyond the basics, our bagels are additive-free: no anti-fungal agents, no dough conditioners, no preservatives.
Further, because they’re made in traditional fashion (hand-formed, boiled, then baked on the oven’s stone surface), we dial back the sugars and oils that you might find in a machine-formed grocery bagel. The flavour and the texture of our bagels come from the work put into making them right. The result is a bagel that crunches on the outside, is chewy on the inside, and is significantly lower in calories than what you will find from a more industrial kitchen.