Our family is in transition. We are currently living the waning days of our experience abroad. The bulk of our posessions have been packed and shipped. We’ve had a small farewell do. We’ve taken time out to visit some of our favourite corners. And now we’re living as though in suspension.
I’ve got the business on my mind, but it’s somewhere ahead, and the present is a murky sea of got to dos, want to dos and no more time to dos. The latter of the three is taking on enhanced prominence with each passing day.
We have our flights booked. We have a quarantine hotel booked, as well as our accomodation for the end of quarantine. We have family waiting in the wings – waiting for us to bring back the grandchildren that we so rudely transplanted half a world away.
And still, it’s a strange space to inhabit. Rarely in my life have so many aspects been out of my control.
There’s some solace in knowing that we have a business name, that the business has a set of core values I can get behind in a big way, that we have a recipe and process, that we’ve chosen a community… but still, there are more unknowns than knowns. There are more unconfirmed elements than elements that are locked in.
So we’re in transition. The business is very much an incomplete opus – barely an incomplete twinkle twinkle little star with aspirations of Brahms, Bach or Beethoven… We’ve got unfinished business.
And we’re okay.