I’m going to start this post off with me. I am the founder of Bonsai Bagels. It is a bagel shop that doesn’t yet exist, but for which I am setting the ground work. The plan is to get this shop off the ground in the summer of 2021, in Vernon, and to make delicious Montreal-style bagels.
This post is for transparency, and also because I’ve been struggling with pronouns. In particular, I don’t have a clear sense of the most appropriate pronoun to use on this page. I am Loren Letourneau, business owner and founder of Bonsai Bagels, the shop that is yet to exist. Bonsai Bagels is the business. I’ve been using we to represent the business. We speaks to the efforts of a bunch of people to get this business going. We also refers to me and the business. It’s a we thing. The business wouldn’t exist without me, but it is its own entity.
And then this gets messy. When I am representing my own views or sharing my own observations, I will try to use I/me. When I am sharing something about the business, whether the day to day running or the finances or the aesthetic or whatsoever might come up, I’ll try to use we/us.
I don’t know if that level of clarity was necessary. I don’t know if this post is necessary. I do know that I want to be clear and that I’ve made a commitment to share the decision-making process so I’ll justify it as an extension of that ethos.